Helping Events Secure Sponsorships with BibBoards
This post on using BibBoards as an alternative for sponsor exposure is from Brian Goodell of BibBoards.Being a race director isn’t all fun and games – things go wrong, volunteers don’t show up, run...

Oh Snap – My Race Bib is Finally Straight thanks to bibSNAPS!
We’ve all been there. You would think that after all the races I have participated in, that I would be better in one area. No, not my pre-race warm up routine. Not having my hydration and refueling...

Just Do It? Please Don’t. BibBoards does what Nike Can’t
Back In 2016, Nike released their big idea to kick safety pins to the curb. And it was terrible. The global superpower, with their billions of dollars and “state of the art” product design teams c...

My running blog is about my 50 states half marathon journey. I mostly blog about any and all races that earn me a bib, shirt, cap, medal, wine glass…. I share everything about my journey from my s...

BibBoards Offers A Safer Solution For Events than 100 Year Old Technology
After any good race, the ground is littered with paper cups, shredded bibs, and plenty of unidentified pieces of trash, waiting for the amazing volunteers to come through and clean up. While most r...